Automate Medicare Part B Claims

We strive to solve the burden of hiring administrative staff to perform routine tasks. joyEHR can automate your house call or brick and mortar medical practice.

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Care Plan Oversight

Automate the creation of Care Plan Oversight documentation from your provider note. Providers will have access to patients not seen on with the ability to select each patient and select from 1 of 3 approved options for a length 30 minutes that Medicare will accept for billing G0181.

Plan Of Care

Have your home health agencies send you 485s to sign and bill G0179, G0180 with a simple click. The home health agency will automatically receive the signed 485 to download into their EHR. Currently under development. Expected September 2023

Remote Patient Monitoring

We are pleased to announce we have partnered with Smart Meter and now offering an RPM dashboard to observe patient vital signs and automatically submit charges for 99457, 99458, 99453, 99454.

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Keeping track of all those G0-codes are hard

That's why we've created joyEHR, a web application that simplifies your administrative workflows and automates the claim creation process, specifically designed for medical practices that see patients on home health care.

With joyEHR, you can quickly and easily generate accurate Medicare Part B claims, reducing the risk of missed claims and saving you time and resources. Our user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation makes it as simple as a press of a few buttons to generate documentation and create charges that would otherwise take you 10s of hours every month. Now you can guarantee your practice is billing the appropriate G0-codes every time.

API and HL7 Integrations

We currently integrate with CureMD and are always working to expand our list of integrations.

If you use a different EHR, don't worry! Just sign up for joyEHR and let us know which EHR you use, and we'll work on integrating with it as soon as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Dallas, Texas.

joyEHR is free until further notice.

Yes, joyEHR uses the Seven Elements of Effective Compliance in order to remain compliant. Please see joyEHR's INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY in the Help Center. joyEHR is built on Google Cloud Platform with an active Business Associates Agreement.

Yes, every subscribing practice will receive technical support at no additional charge.

Yes, we can automate everything but you. :)